NEWS and updates

Who we are
BRMA represents the interests of major and independent record labels.
What we do
Mission statement
“BRMA’s mission is to represent, promote, advise the Belgian recorded music industry.”
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We are the voice of the Recorded music industry.
It is our duty to support and protect the interests of our members. We offer a unique and neutral platform for collaboration and communication between core players in the recorded music industry. Furthermore we represent the voice of the industry and provide lobbying opportunities with government agencies, the advisory bodies, and the professional associations.
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We are A Source of reliable information and expertise.
Our final objective is to share knowledge and expertise to our members and to be a source of reliable information about the entertainment market and the recorded music industry. We offer advice to our members in various fields including legal support, industry reports, market reports and more.
Finally we take various initiatives to help the industry and its consumers.
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We Safeguard the rights and properties of our members.
Among our missions we notably act to safeguard and enforce the copyrights and related rights of its members and of the persons or entities represented by its members. In this context, we have launched and conducted numerous actions (including legal actions before courts) in order to combat any form of piracy detrimental to our members and to the persons or entities represented by our members, i.e. any form of non-authorised use of recorded music. We campaign to inform people about the dangers and risks of illegal downloading and impact it has on the industry. Lastly We promote the use of fair and legal entertainment.